
HMB Acquires Corn Island

“We are excited to announce that as of December 1rst, 2023 Corn Island has joined HMB Professional Engineers. As Corn Island Archaeology transitions to its new role as a part of HMB, I want to express my deepest gratitude and appreciation of all our great clients, both recent ones and those with whom we have […]

Poor Farms Cemetery Memorial

Late September, we gathered in Clark Couny Indiana for the memorial service and formal dedication of the recently relocated Clark County Poor Farm Cemetery. Corn Island was honored to be trusted by River Ridge with the archaeological disinterment of 33 individuals buried at the Poor Farm from 1930-1939. Corn Island’s Mindi Wetzel was the PI […]

Technology Meets Archaeology

Corn Island archaeologists utilize photogrammetry, a technique for calculating the relationship between multiple overlapping photographs to derive precise 3D measurements. For archaeologists, photogrammetry is a useful tool for measuring any number of items from small handheld artifacts to entire archaeological sites. Photogrammetry is a type of remote sensing technique and is just one of several […]

Important Contact Information Change

In accordance with the new Covid-19 Mandates issued by the governor, please be aware our office will be closed until December 13th. Phone calls to the office may not be answered in a timely manner! In the meantime if you need to speak with us, please instead call 502-592-2355 to get in touch with Anne […]

Coronavirus News

The offices of Corn Island Archaeology LLC are closed indefinitely during the current pandemic crisis. Our staff are working remotely from their homes. If you need to reach us, please do not call or leave a message at our office number. You can email Anne Bader at or call her at (502) 592-2355. You […]

KAS teams up with Bridging Kentucky

Corn Island Archaeology and the Kentucky Archaeological Survey (KAS) from Western Kentucky University have teamed up to evaluate an archaeological site in southern Kentucky. This site is located in the project area of a proposed bridge reconstruction project in the statewide Bridging Kentucky Project. Materials from various cultural periods are being revealed at this site.

Here Today: Diggin’ On Beecher Terrace

Recently, we were visited by WFPL’s Laura Ellis to record a podcast on our ongoing investigations of Beecher Terrance. We discussed the history of the area, our process during the excavations, and much more. Thank you so much for coming out! Listen to the full podcast on Here Today: Diggin’ on Beecher Terrace *Photos by […]

Bridging Kentucky

We’ve been to some very interesting places all across the state thanks to the Bridging Kentucky! Started by the Kentucky Transportation Department, this initiative aims to rehabilitate, repair, or replace more than 1,000 bridges across the state. We’ve been doing our part as one of the teams assessing many of these structures. The following are a few that we’ve reviewed recently in District 5.

Louisville Magazine & Metro TV

Beecher Terrace project featured in this month’s Louisville Magazine. Tossed and Found covers some of the history and artifacts that we’ve uncovered at the ongoing Beecher Terrace site in downtown Louisville. Read the Full article here. Our archaeologists and staff were also interviewed for Louisville Metro TV recently, also on the Beecher Terrance site. Watch […]

Riverport Public Display

Corn Island has recently finished preparing a educational display for Riverport. We gathered early artifacts and researched residents to give an informative look at the life of early settlers from the area. This display is currently available for viewing at select locations on a rotating basis. Please see the schedule below to find out more. […]